Kanata Nordic 101
Established in 1979, Kanata Nordic Ski Club operates on the Wesley Clover Parks sites.
We are a volunteer-operated, not-for-profit organization that aims to promote lifelong activity, fitness and the enjoyment of the outdoors through cross-country ski programs offered in a friendly club setting. Through wholly volunteer efforts, we offer learn-to-ski programs for children, teens and adults. The club offers a youth racing program that competes in local, provincial and national – level races.
We have two main trail heads with parking lots, one located on the equestrian site at 401 Corkstown Rd., and one at the campground facility at 411 Corkstown Rd. There are trail networks starting at each, but are separated by an operating rail line. These trails are for members or for day pass ($) users.
The equestrian site typically opens for skiing slightly earlier in the season and has fairly flat trails, which are ideal for novices. It also offers more parking spots. The campground trails offer more variety and elevation changes. They wind through the woods, sheltering skiers from the winds. The campground site also offers an excellent snowshoe network which traverses the north and western ridges, providing varied terrain.
Kanata Nordic grooms the Ottawa West Winter Trail (OWWT). The OWWT is a free public multi-use trail designed to encourage the community to engage in outdoor winter activities with minimal barriers to access. It benefits Kanata Nordic members by adding substantially more kilometres of groomed trail, especially early in the season, immediately adjacent to our club facilities. The cost of operating the OWWT is covered thanks to funding from the National Capital Commission, the City of Ottawa, corporate sponsorships and individual donations.
Our club’s trail grooming is performed by a dedicated group of volunteers who venture out at night or early morning, often in extreme weather conditions. Grooming occurs generally four times per week and more often with heavy snowfall. We have snowmobiles, ATVs and a tractor that tow snow grooming attachments that can even renovate hard and icy conditions back into shape. It is important to stay safe around this heavy machinery – please read our safety guidelines for skiing or snowshoeing near the equipment.
We share the Wesley Clover Parks (WCP) site with other groups for a variety of outdoor activities like Ottawa Forest and Nature School, the Magic of Lights show, Ottawa Orienteering, and other WCP events. We work cooperatively with those entities so that the community can optimize the use of this jewel within the city.
If you have questions, suggestions or want to help, please reach out! For our returning members, welcome back – and for new and returning members, see you on the trails!